故宫购票官网购票不能付款 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 剧情片 1991

导演: 林权泽


  Min Ji-suk runs a "ticket bar"where customers can purchase tickets for certain "services"in the town of Sokcho in Gangwon-do. She hires Miss Yang (Ahn So-young), Miss Hong (Lee Hye-young), and Se-young (Jeon Se-young) through the employment agency. Miss Yang and Miss Hong, who are well experienced in this type of business, are used to accepting propositions from customers. But Se-young, who is dating a college student named Min-su, rejects all requests for sexual favors. When Min-su professes to having problems with his tuition and finances, Se-young reassures him that she will procure the necessary funds for him. When the bar's clientele begins to dwindle because of Se-young, Ji-suk reprimands her severely. Se-young develops a close relationship with a Captain Pak and even allows him to sleep with her. She asks Captain Pak to find Min-su employment on a boat, but when Min-su comes to Sokcho for his new job, he sees how Se-young has been making her living. Shocked, he turns his back on the job and leaves. When he eventually returns to Sokcho, he scathingly denounces Se-young's morality and severs their relationship. Decades ago, Ji-suk had stumbled into the bar business in a desperate effort to support her husband, who was serving time in prison; she later left him voluntarily out of shame and moral degradation. Concerned that Se-young will end up with the same fate, Ji-suk asks Min-su to meet with her. She begs him not to abandon Se-young, but he flatly refuses. Ji-suk reacts by pushing Min-su into the sea, and suffers a mental breakdown that lands her in a psychiatric institution.


  • 运哲 2小时前 :


  • 闫思菱 5小时前 :


  • 柳敏丽 5小时前 :


  • 骏强 8小时前 :

    嗯……有些剧情不符合常理 剧情有些尬 有些就真的尴尬到不知所措 这部剧拍的时候是不是一遍过?

  • 桥翠曼 9小时前 :

    超高质量爽琴侠代餐👍槽点一箩筐 我都懒得说了 合家欢电影看个乐呵儿就行吧 懒得较真儿了 本来想给个6分及格分 但是它作为代餐实在是太香了 7分吧 其实和love actually完全是一个级别的除了love actually有全明星阵容 不懂为啥love actually分那么高(love actually真的很一般😤)。而且和去年小K那个《最幸福的季节》感觉几乎就是一个公式套出来的 政治正确也年底冲kpi吗😅算了 合家欢 乐呵就完了

  • 玄映阳 2小时前 :

    太尴尬了,而且为什么总是minority tracing a white male ewww

  • 郏才良 5小时前 :


  • 栋振 4小时前 :

    luke is the zaddy I ever wanted

  • 祁俊清 4小时前 :

    就很无脑甜。and Nick is really a ten!

  • 枫泽 1小时前 :


  • 运晨 0小时前 :

    白瞎了,服了,最后和自己9年的朋友谈恋爱,我和James 也不是不行

  • 郏红英 6小时前 :


  • 芸菲 0小时前 :


  • 项阳晖 1小时前 :


  • 月蕾 4小时前 :

    佳节共赏,温馨浪漫“大俗戏”。但一个普世价值的童话故事,在被疫情偷走了俩年后就真的很需要啊!珍妮佛库雷子真的是gay icon!

  • 梦雪 2小时前 :


  • 隗鹤梦 9小时前 :


  • 郎绍辉 8小时前 :


  • 运辰 2小时前 :

    Luke Macfarlane!没人可以拒绝他!全家都瞎,无脑温馨肥皂剧,不能算电影🎬最后说一句,ZZ正确这个事在美国太可怕了。本片又名:《白人家族为改变“家庭成分”疯狂怂恿儿子放弃大帅比嫁给黑人小哥的故事》,主要台词:“祖祖辈辈都是白人,我们白怕了呀!”

  • 索问香 2小时前 :

    虽然很俗套但是,Hell it‘s Christmas and I love it.


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