
  For 27-year-old Ben (Josh Lawson), life couldn’t be better. A well paid job, friends, parties, girls and nothing to tie him down. But when he is invited back to his old school to join several other ex-students including Alex (Rachael Taylor) and Jim (Ed Kavalee) in talking about their personal achievements, something goes wrong. Ben is the only speaker not to be asked a question by the school kids. This triggers a year of soulsearching and looking for answers in all the wrong places.
  From his best friend Andy (Christian Clark) whose solution is that they both take another holiday, to his mentor Sam (Lachy Hulme) who loans him a sports car in the belief that there’s nothing like excessive speed to resolve emotional turmoil. Not even Ben’s father (Rob Carlton) or friends Nick (Daniel Henshall) and Em (Felicity Ward) can offer much in the way of meaningful guidance.
  Of course, it’s not easy seeking enlightenment in nightclubs, or on the ski fields of New Zealand, and when you start dating a Russian tennis star things can get really complicated. As the poster boy for a generation desperate to tick every box, Ben begins to suspect that the meaning of life may well reside in the things he's already doing - and a girl he used to know.


  • 谏歌云 6小时前 :

    为啥本来该是朱利安摩尔姨唱的那首Anybody has a map直接没了,一上来就把Waving through a window祭出来?怎么说呢感觉音乐和情节有点脱节导致居然看出了尴尬感(是因为好几首歌都是小本清唱开始的吗?歌舞片不应该这样吧),不再有tp剧版当初给我的感动,那个Sincerely, me的场景把我看笑了就觉得剧组好穷啊。

  • 骏文 4小时前 :

    You are not alone. You will be found.主题是好的,但是每次音乐想起,我就想跳过…舞台剧做成电影,也没必要照搬啊

  • 殴昊强 5小时前 :


  • 蕾林 3小时前 :


  • 鹤家 8小时前 :

    音乐真是太好听了,但剧情我是完全没想到是这样的让我难受。难受于evan一次次的欺骗,难受于小孩子承受了太多,还好结尾不是一个bad ending

  • 雍清涵 5小时前 :


  • 濮凌晓 6小时前 :


  • 锋梁 5小时前 :

    As much as I love Ben Platt, he's grown too old for this role. 他在舞台上的靈氣與美麗在大熒幕上消失殆盡,儘管歌聲再動人,使用用捲髮來裝年輕只凸顯出他的疲態而不是稚氣。Choreography and blocking are awful. The whole crowd in the gym during the opening number is a total disaster. Most of the casts are great, but Zoe could not deliver. And can we talk about why they cut "To break in the Glove?"

  • 香锦 4小时前 :


  • 晋芷雪 2小时前 :

    其实说实在的 自己经历和Evan有点像

  • 答访波 5小时前 :


  • 祁宝辉 0小时前 :


  • 谬又莲 7小时前 :

    差点意思 没有演出舞台效果轰炸信息的感觉 真会有点plain 但是 还是值得4星 Alana 好好看

  • 涛星 3小时前 :

    音乐很好听,但故事本身很狗血。特别是中段you will be found的高潮还是建立在谎言的基础上。

  • 莘嘉丽 3小时前 :

    小ben还是厉害!一个眼神、动作、呼吸 都能让人坚信他就是EH。换个人都不行🙅

  • 荀忆之 6小时前 :


  • 韦运 5小时前 :

    其实说实在的 自己经历和Evan有点像

  • 由光辉 1小时前 :


  • 辰振 0小时前 :

    前半部分,我在生气死去的人凭什么要被诽谤?哪怕是往好了说。后半部分我在难过原来没人在意Evan也想过要自杀,只是没死成。所以这是哪门子的you will be found? YOU WON'T.

  • 逄飞绿 6小时前 :



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